Montezuma Castle
Visitors to Montezuma Castle National Monument will find the park to be a pleasant oasis along Beaver Creek with a short paved trail leading past cliff dwellings once occupied by Southern Sinagua farmers. The main dwelling, high on a limestone cliff, is no longer accessible to visitors. The Sinagua, translated from Spanish as "without water," built the 20-room dwelling between 1100 to 1300. They left the area by the early 1400s for unknown reasons. Early Spanish explorers believed the dwellings were the work of Aztecs, hence the name Montezuma Castle. The monument's visitor center includes a timeline showing the castle was built roughly at the same time that Notre Dame Cathedral was constructed in Paris. The church was completed in 1345. Established: 1906 Elevation: 3,180 Annual visitation: 364,015 Visit nearby Tuzigoot National Monument: |